My family is currently healthy.
don't take it lightly, good health is denied to many. Growing up with ‘my other
favorite boy’ my brother, this lesson sits close to my heart. In most cases we
don't even think about our health until something happens whether it be a small cold or something more serious. In living life and reading countless
stories, I've learned that sickness doesn't discriminate, it can happen to anyone at
any time. So how do we not live in fear? If I’m honest, that fear occupies my
thoughts more than I would like to admit.
what do we do, what sort of action can we take? First, I go to the Lord,
recalling and repeating that HE doesn’t give us a spirit of fear but of
power, love and a sound mind {2 Timothy 1:7}.
is something my Nana would repeat to all of us so much so that it’s an
immediate response to dealing with fear in my life. HIS word is living and active, it takes up residence in our hearts
and HE comforts us.
else can we do to deal with fear?
fully, take nothing for granted. Linger in the moments. The snuggles, the
tiredness, the conflict. Feel your emotions, fully! Let the tears fall. Those
tears that you are holding back because you are worried what others may think; the happy ones, the sad and the compassionate tears, Let them fall. It means you’re here, you’re
in it.
It can be so hard to let yourself experience your emotions. Oh so hard. I feel slightly hypocritical even writing about it. There
is a struggle in my heart to 'fully' live. I need to speak these truths into
existence, and do my best to experience life fully. If I don’t attempt to live this way I let
fear win. It’s a daily battle, but it’s worth the fight.
I will let my words and photographs be evidence, and a reminder of truly
living. Here are a few pictures of people we love, loving on our little boy! This is evidence, evidence of moments where life was lived.